Perel Moskovits

  • commented on Contact Us 2022-04-13 06:34:23 -0400
    thank you so much for the food that was delivered yesterday. As every case was delivered separatly I have know way of knowing if the order is complete or I will be receiving additional food. it would be a shame to shop and spend money i don’t have only to receive the same food items a short while later. I received a case of eggs, dairy items, grape juice and apples ( the apples where labeled chicken in the text) is my order complete?

    Give some feedback about your experiences, questions, or suggestions you have for us

    Masbia values any questions, comments, or suggestions you have about your experiences (or future ones) so that we can improve our organization. We want to perform the best we can so that we can continue to feed the hungry. There is always room for improvement and we want to give the best experience as possible for volunteers, those receiving a meal, and for donators.  

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