Masbia of Boro Park needs your help with renovating and outfitting new facility. The new facility will be used for a soup kitchen and food pantry to serve and distribute tens of thousands of meals with dignity every month. We are offering dedication opportunities to help us pay for equipment, materials, and all the durable items needed to expand and improve our services at this new facility. The sooner we raise the funds needed, the sooner we can open. Below, you will find sponsorship options at various levels: from $25 in monthly installments to $100,000. Each dedication has a description of what you are sponsoring and how the dedication will be implemented.
Instructions: The capacity building page has very exciting features. The dedication plaque is interactive where you are able to click on each item for a pop up and read about what the item means to the soup kitchen with a poetic tie to its biblical origins of charity and hospitality. You can also see a list of each item as you scroll down the page. For this campaign, you are able to make a regular donation, automatic installment options are available, or crowdfund the item of your choice. For example by crowdfunding, you will be able to pick an item to dedicate in honor of your grandmother and get her children and grandchildren to donate towards the dedication amount. See crowdfunding tab for more details. If you wish to discuss further, feel free to call the Executive Director Alexander Rapaport at 718-972-4446 x201 or email [email protected]