Masbia Supporter, Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky Affixing the Mezuzah at Masbia of Boro Park


Over two dozen rabbis from Boro Park gathered at Masbia and the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky was given the honor of affixing the mezuzah on the main door.



Making l’chaim at the inaugural day at the first Masbia soup kitchen in honor of the mezuzah affixing ceremony. Seated facing front from L-R: Mordechai Mandelbaum, founder of Masbia; Kossover Rebbe; Dezher Rebbe Boro Park; Harav Shlomo Gross, Belzer dayan of Boro Park; Harav Yechazkel Roth, Karlsburger Rav; Chernobyler Rebbe; Rachmistrivke Rebbe; Harav Yeshaya Kenig, the Yoka Rav; the Skverer Rebbe of Boro Park; Pupa dayan.



Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky giving l’chaim to Mordechai Mandelbaum, founder of Masbia. 

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