Hot Food Display Counter - “L’ais Tachin Matbaiach” – $7,200

Masbia delivers all the hot food in bulk from our main kitchen facility on Coney Island Avenue to this facility. At the facility, we hope to be able to display the hot food in a beautiful showcase where the waiters will make the portions and bring them to the table where the guests are seated. Since it all happens in one big dining room, it is important to have a beautiful hot food service station. This dedication will pay exactly for that. In addition to being prominently inscribed on dedication wall, it will be possible to display this dedication above the counter. The words “L’ais Tachin Matbaiach” are taken from the Chanukah Song “Maoz Tzur”. 


Note: We will check with you to confirm the engraved text for your physical dedication plaque.

Contributions are tax deductible.