Borough Park, now with a centrally located facility enhancing its services.
The facility will be located a block from the Shomrei Shabbos 24-hour synagogue at 5402 New Utrecht Avenue and will cater largely but not exclusively to the area’s Chasidic population.
“We have found that in the Chassidic community in general and in Boro Park in particular that people struggle with the decision of bringing their family for a meal, often not bringing themselves to it until the desperation peaks, which is usually at bedtime for their kids,” Alexander Rapaport, executive director of Masbia, said in a press release.
“Unlike our site on Queens Boulevard, where we serve many senior citizens, we have found that we need to have an early dinner since our clients want to get home before dark, but in Boro Park it is exactly the opposite, with many people going back and forth on whether or not they should accept help or not.”
The new facility will allow clients to choose foods that mostly appeal to them from a large display area set up in a portion of the soup kitchen.
“We serve full meals in grocery form,” Rapaport was quoted as saying in the press release. “There are those who would rather cook the food themselves and some who prefer to be eating in their own kitchens. We prepare groceries so that every member of the family will have food for three meals for three days. Our goal is no matter how people choose to have their meals, that we make it a pleasant and easy experience.”
The Borough Park Masbia branch will also be open for Shabbos and holiday meals and will be able to seat 40 clients at any given time, according to Rapaport.
“If someone knew that their Zaidy was renowned for always inviting people to dine with him, what greater way could there be to honor his memory than by starting a crowdfunding campaign, allowing so many other family members and acquaintances to join in and make a contribution in his honor to secure a coveted dedication option in his honor?” Rappaport asked. “Those small donations add up quickly and could make a huge difference in the lives of the needy.”
“We are ready to go,” said Rapaport. “We just need the funding.”
To find out more about Masbia or to make a donation visit them online at
Read the original article HERE
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