Donate Charity by Sponsoring Rosh Hashanah Meals for the Needy at Kosher Soup Kitchen - Masbia of Boro Park
Masbia of Boro Park will host holiday dinner meals for anyone in need during Rosh Hashanah 5881. To RSVP please call 718-972-4446 x203.
We are seeking sponsors for the holiday meals which will include all the traditional Rosh Hashanah foods such as challah, honey, apples, fish, pomegranates, and much more. A one-person sponsorship for one meal goes for $45, one couple is $90, a one person all meals is $180, ten meals for $450, and so on. A full meal can be sponsored for $1,800 and the entire Rosh Hashanah for $7,200. (See more Rosh Hashanah related charity options here.)