Please Feed the Needy this Purim Season, Help Masbia Distribute $22,140 Worth of Food.

Bring joy to so many needy men, women, and children. Donate to Masbia to fulfill the real mitzvah of Matanot La'Evyonim and Mishloach Manot.

Masbia’s goal is to give out $22,140 worth of food this Purim season. We expect to serve 250 families through our raw-food distributions, which will include special kosher holiday staples for families to be able to prepare their own Purim feast. Masbia will also serve several sit-down meals for the three days; Purim night, a special meal on Purim itself, and another meal on Shushan Purim -- for those who are unable to prepare food for themselves. With the Purim-feast meals at $36 per person and raw food packages at $54, we need to raise $22,140 to cover the food (this does not include other costs). 100% of this money will be spent on food.

Please feed the needy today and sponsor meals, packages, or both!

By clicking on the add or subtract buttons, you can choose to sponsor 1 meal or multiple meals and/or 1 package or multiple packages. Your total will then appear on the donation amount box. Your donation sponsors the food distributed in the Purim season. The bar indicates how much money we still need for the Purim food services. Please donate generously.

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About Purim

Purim is the Jewish holiday which is most associated with giving, sharing and charity as an expression of joy. While giving charity when approached by a poor person in need is a Mitzva all year round, on Purim the Mitzva is to be proactive in finding someone to help. There are four traditional obligations to the celebration of Purim; reading the book of Esther aka the Megilah, having a Purim feast (Suedat Purim), sharing food with your friends (Mishloach Manot), and giving charity to the needy (Matanot LeEvyonim). All of those are expressions of joy to celebrate the triumph of Mordechai over Haman with the help of Esther that saved the Jews from extinction.

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