Jazmin Cespedes commented on Contact Us 2023-06-07 18:58:45 -0400Today went to have dinner with may daughter the staff was so disappointed disrespectful in all aspects denied napkins, sever , me and daughter do self service with kind cleaning table,before,and after,replacement ,water then rescue the name today date 6/7/23,:was around 6pm dinner time event happening, went to office she follows us intimidate for us not adress the issue no people need to experience afterwork,with child treats like that ..please take seriously consider,, soon in few weeks get place love to be part o donate supplies..thank you.
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Masbia values any questions, comments, or suggestions you have about your experiences (or future ones) so that we can improve our organization. We want to perform the best we can so that we can continue to feed the hungry. There is always room for improvement and we want to give the best experience as possible for volunteers, those receiving a meal, and for donators.
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Masbia relies on our friends and supporters for the operation of Masbia. Masbia lives and breathes through our volunteers, our social media retweeters, and everyone who provides a helping hand. At Masbia, we keep the lights on through YOUR hard work and generosity. Create you account below to become a member of our growing community in the fight against hunger.
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